2015-09-21 19:04:33 UTC
: > Another way is to drop the operator idea all together ( it is
: > no fun away ).
: > Init( s );
: > Concat( s, mary );
: > Concat( s, sally );
: > Concat( s, sue );
: But, then you could do it in assembler! You don't mean this
: seriously, do you?
Yup. I am serious. I don't think concatenating strings deserves
an operator. I am not at all bothered by a few or even a dozen
lines of procedure calls to build a single string or text and
this type of problem does not occur often enough to warrant
having a language specific operator.
Back in 1995 this string debate was going on, and they still haven't solved it 20 years later...: > no fun away ).
: > Init( s );
: > Concat( s, mary );
: > Concat( s, sally );
: > Concat( s, sue );
: But, then you could do it in assembler! You don't mean this
: seriously, do you?
Yup. I am serious. I don't think concatenating strings deserves
an operator. I am not at all bothered by a few or even a dozen
lines of procedure calls to build a single string or text and
this type of problem does not occur often enough to warrant
having a language specific operator.
Oh wow what an old post I am replying to... It's just extremely interesting that this string problem existed back in 1995, and in 2015 the same problem.
"I am not at all bothered by a few or even a dozen lines of procedure calls"
Haha... this kid must be joking...
SomeProc(Concat('test', other),Concat('somestring', other), Concat(a,b));
Compared to:
SomeProc('test'+other, 'somestring'+other, a+b);
You shortened it from Concatenate to Concat, so why not take it one step further and turn Concat into "+"...
You use "VAR" instead of "VARIABLE"... isn't "VARIABLE" more readable so why not use it instead of VAR? Hypocrisy of the oberon language? Against C terseness but then goes ahead and shortens PLUS to + and VARIABLE to VAR, and CONCATENATE to CONCAT (why not CAT?)
"PROCEDURE" should be "PROC"?
POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR is such a silly verbose long form.. compared to:
When I look at oberon code and see ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR and POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR I really wonder if this is becoming COBOL or something worse.
Why not just use PLUS instead of "+" and EQUAL instead of "="
Why use numbers...
Isn't that more readable?
CONST should be CONSTANT ... If concerned about readability. So why VAR and CONST shortforms? but not PROC for Procedure? strange
Shortforms like a+b+"test" make code less buggy and easier to read since with Concat()Concat()Concat(Concat()) you end up with a Lisp like brackets everywhere... Nail clippings mixed in with your oat meal.
Math came up with shortforms for a reason. To not become cobol. But even worse, cobol would probably be against POINTER TO SOME THING whereas oberon encourages it all over the place. Isn't there a mathematical symbol for pointer ^
Z505 Software
Cobol Sucks
Let's not turn languages into verbose ENGLISH Longforms