2015-08-31 16:44:26 UTC
I am currently developing an Oberon-07 compiler for Win64 platform. It is now pretty functional, and could self-compile itself successfully. More info at: https://github.com/congdm/AyaCompiler
I consider my implementation of Oberon-07 as a questionable extension of original Oberon-07, but also a minimal workable subset of Free Pascal/Delphi, and finally, a refinement of Modula-2.
Is there any suggestions on which features to remove (or add)?
Thanks in advance.
I am currently developing an Oberon-07 compiler for Win64 platform. It is now pretty functional, and could self-compile itself successfully. More info at: https://github.com/congdm/AyaCompiler
I consider my implementation of Oberon-07 as a questionable extension of original Oberon-07, but also a minimal workable subset of Free Pascal/Delphi, and finally, a refinement of Modula-2.
Is there any suggestions on which features to remove (or add)?
Thanks in advance.