Post by Duke NormandinWondering if there is an Oberon2 implementation specifically for the Intel
MacOS X (Leopard). I'm trying out Ada at the moment, but it may be too big
for my needs. ;)
If I am not mistaken the only O2 implementation for OSX is the one
from ETHZ
However, this is PPC only but should run on your Intel Mac via
If you are only going to test-drive, this might be good enough.
Otherwise, it comes with source code, so you could always port it,
probably borrowing the code generator from the Windows or Linux x86
Also, if it is a question of Ada being too large and Oberon not being
available, you could take a look at GNU Modula-2 or FreePascal, both
of which are available for OSX/Intel. Not quite as minimalist as
Oberon, but a lot smaller than Ada ;-)
Not sure what your ultimate goal is for OSX, but if you are planning
to write GUI applications, you are probably going to need support for
the Cocoa API (the other API called Carbon is on its way out). It then
depends on what side of the Smalltalk divide you are. If you dislike
the native style, you might like the way FPC supports Cocoa, if you do
like the native style, you are going to hate it, you want to stick
with Objective-C and check the progress at
This supports Cocoa the same way Objective-C does (which the Delphi
folks hate) but it is based on a dialect of Modula-2 that is more
Oberon-like. In fact the method declaration syntax is straight from