Help to begin from scratch!
(too old to reply)
2003-12-09 07:40:40 UTC
Please give me links or explain how to setup and begin to work in
Bluebottle OS. I was strassed by message from my customer who wants us
to develop our project whole (completed) in this OS!!!

My experience includes only BlackBox and System 3 (a bit!). Both systems
for Win32.

Now I want to know ALL sequance of steps and nuances of setuping and
begining to work in bluebottle.

2003-12-11 02:37:44 UTC
Post by WLad
Please give me links or explain how to setup and begin to work in
Bluebottle OS. I was strassed by message from my customer who wants us
to develop our project whole (completed) in this OS!!!
My experience includes only BlackBox and System 3 (a bit!). Both systems
for Win32.
Now I want to know ALL sequance of steps and nuances of setuping and
begining to work in bluebottle.
Hello WLad,

I have little experience with BlueBottle (I'm just begginning) but I have
managed to get three versions of Oberon running on my computer.

1. Oberon for Windows (interresting but not the real thing)
2. Native Oberon on a partition (128MB)
3. BlueBottle on another partition (128MB)

I have had enough stress finding how to make a bootable system
that works.


- downlad the latest oberon0.dsk and to "rawrite" it on a diskette.
- eventually downlad the other package or if you have a supported LAN
adapter you can do that later.
- create a partition with eg.: NT's disk manager or FDISK (do not format).
- insert the oberon0 diskette and reboot.

oberon0 booting...

- read carefully
- choose the correct disk, keyboard and display driver.
- execute: (replace IDEx#y with the correct value)
Partitions.Show ~ locate the created partition (labeled "IDEx#y").
Partition.Unsafe ~ enable dangerous commands, just in case
Partitions.ChangeType IDEx#y oldtype 76 ~
Partitions.Format IDEx#y AosFS ~
Partitions.Activate IDEx#y ~
Partition.Safe ~ disable dangerous commands
Partitions.UpdateBootFile IDEx#y Native.Bin ~

optionally (if don't have the files already)

NetSystem.SetUser ftp://***@aosbox.ethz.ch ~ Password "please"
FTP.Open ***@aosbox.ethz.ch ~
AosInst.Tool Aos.Par AosSys.zip AosApps.zip
AosIDE.Bin AosAda7.Bin noboot.exe
AosOberon.zip AosGad.zip AosDocu.zip AosOberonApps1.zip
AosOberonApps2.zip AosBuild.zip
AosSysSrc.zip AosAppsSrc.zip AosOberonSrc.zip AosGadSrc.zip
AosOberonAppsSrc.zip AosBuildSrc.zip
Pr3Fonts.zip Pr6Fonts.zip ~

OFSTools.Mount AOS AosFS ^

(extract object files)
ZipTool.ExtractAll \p AOS: \o
AosSys.zip AosApps.zip AosOberon.zip AosGad.zip AosDocu.zip
AosOberonApps2.zip AosBuild.zip Pr3Fonts.zip Pr6Fonts.zip ~

(extract sources)
ZipTool.ExtractAll \p AOS: \o
AosSysSrc.zip AosAppsSrc.zip AosOberonSrc.zip AosGadSrc.zip
AosOberonAppsSrc.zip AosBuildSrc.zip ~

- execute: (replace IDEx#y with the correct value)
Edit.Open Aos.Par ~ read carefully and update the file the save it
Insert the end-of-list symbol "~" after the last line in Aos.Par
Insert the line "Partitions.SetConfig IDEx#y" before the first line in
execute the inserted command in-situ.

- if you want a bootable diskette too:
( Partitions.Format Diskette0#0 ~ )
Partitions.UpdateBootFile Diskette0#0 Native.Bin ~
Edit Insert the first line of Aos.Par to "Partitions.SetConfig
execute the edited command in-situ.

Reboot !

- Manuel
to reply, swap the name with the domain.
2003-12-11 15:32:25 UTC
I've written to you.
Will it be OK if I'll ask you some question during my "diving" into
bluebottle? :o)
